take a look thru my eyes

Huh? Wad? Oh! Haha!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dualism and the ideal girlfriend

Been listening to bee gees songs lately, all so nice and emo, bout love and love lost.

I realised one thing about relationship.
You can't have happiness without sadness
you can't have peace without argument
The meaning of happiness and peace won't dawn on anyone without sadness and argument.
The journey is tough, the road is long but there is no meaning without experiencing the good and the bad.
That's why we have the vows as such:
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."
Many people focus on the in good times, for richer, in health. They forget the for worse, for poorer and in sickness.
Dualism plays a part in all relationship. You can't have one without the other.
One cannot experience joy of a relationship without the pain and hurt that comes with it.
One cannot express the companionship unless one feels the loneliness of being away.
That person completes you.

And because that person complete you,
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES! You are just too self-centered to listen or just refuse to work things out
Yes both parties must work together but if you dun even bother to try, why the hell you get into a relationship in the first place.

Enough of my ranting. Just want to state my criteria for a girl, for me to look back in the future to see how i've changed.

I want a girl who:
-is simple
-know how to love and what it is like to love
-knows that the relationship ahead has a lot of sufferings and pain but yet still chooses to be with me
-can live with a highly imperfect person, the world greatest idiot and jerk.

I guess my criteria for a girl is almost impossible to find. Where to find a girl who is willing to undergo so much hardship for a guy?

Well that's my ranting. If you have any comments, feel free to post

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