take a look thru my eyes

Huh? Wad? Oh! Haha!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

University Sex

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEMALE arts students at university are the most sexually active while male science students are the most likely to be virgins, Australian researchers said on Thursday.
A pilot study at the University of Sydney asked 185 students aged 16 to 25 about their sexual history and awareness of the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, the national AAP news agency reported.
Arts students were 'more likely to be sexually active and to report having little or no knowledge of chlamydia,' said the study, published in the journal Sexual Health.
'Males in the study were less likely to have had sex as a group compared to the group of females in the sample.' Science students were also less likely to have had sex compared to their counterparts in other faculties, the study found.

(Source http://www.asiaone.com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20081204-105549.html )

so the chances for me to get a one night stand is low.. that's good, meaning waiting till marriage is still possible and stands a even higher chance :P:P
unfortunately this study is made in australia so it's not really relevant for the Singapore context..


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